Related battery version smart curtains motor roller blinds distribution network to mobile phone APP and set the travel video link:

Smart curtains motor roller blinds WIFI version:

1.WIFI version connection to mobile APP video link::

2.Battery roller motor set stroke video link:



1.Tuya zigbee gateway distribution network video link:

2.Zigbee version connection to mobile APP video link::

3.Battery roller motor set stroke video link:

The remote control and motor matching video link:

1.Very important information:This is a battery-rechargeable version of the smart curtains motor roller blinds, shipping packaging will have a charging cable, but no power source, you can use the home 5V2A power source to charge.

2.Special notes: This is an optional aluminum pipe diameter of 20MM, 25MM, 28MM style, SKU drawings for participation only, shipment we will choose the actual aluminum pipe diameter to match the accessories shipment, the following is the actual style of accessories

These accesories are for aluminum tubular with an internal diameter of 20mm. We will send you the same accessories as the pictures below if you are purchasing a smart curtains motor roller blinds for your aluminum tube with an inner diameter of 20mm.

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